An advanced technology based reputed vegetables seedlings production, along with modern vegetables production commodities supplying enterprise.
Jashore, Meherpur, Chuadanga, Bogura
01322893378, 01322893377, 01322893370
Vision & Mission of Maxim Agro
Vision: To provide high quality vegetables seedlings and modern equipment for vegetables production among the vegetables growers at low cost to increase the country’s vegetables production.
Mission: Accelerating modern vegetables production in the entire country through the active cooperation of government and non-government agricultural research and agro-technology dissemination organizations, receiving hi-tech training, breeder seeds, setting up demonstration plots, marketing vegetables seedlings and update vegetables production commodities.
National Recognition
Maxim Agro lunched its journey since January 2019. Within a short period of its journey, the global fatal COVID crisis stunned everything. Nevertheless Maxim Agro was able to create a massive response among vegetables growers nationwide. Numerous enthusiastic news stories were broadcast and published praising Maxim Agro in huge electronic and print Medias. As a part of MujibCentenary, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh published ‘100 Agricultural Atlas’. Maxim Agro’s seedling production technique was selected among the 100 country wide best agro-technologies. The Atlas was unwrapped by honorable, Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina, the People’s Republic of Bangladesh on February 04, 2021. That was a great national recognition for Maxim Agro.

Bright presence & Memorable moments
Honorable Agriculture Minister, Veteran Freedom fighter Agriculturist Dr. Md. Abdur Razzak MP visited Maxim Agro on……..

Mr. Farhad Hossain, MP, Honorable State Minister, Ministry of Public Administration along with other Agriculturists visited the stall of Maxim Agro, an Agricultural fair organized by Meherpur district.

On February 17, 2023 a MoU was signed between Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) and Maxim Agro on ‘Cooperation in Seed Production and Promotion of Agricultural Technology’. Dr. Debashish Sarkar, Director General, BARI was present on this Sign in ceremony.

Ms Maricelis Acevedo, Director of Feed the Future Insect Resistant Eggplant Partnership, Visited Maxim Agro Jashore hub along with her team members.

GRANT AGREEMENT was signed between USAID Feed and Maxim Agro on “Scaling up vegetable seedling, grafting tomato and mulching market in Southern Bangladesh” on February 17, 2023 . Philip DeCosse , Chief of party of Chemonics , was present in this Signing ceremony.

Seedlings (Hybrid & Local Improved Variety)
Characteristics of Seedlings
Pests & diseases free uniform, healthy and vegetables seedlings with plentiful nutrients.
No transplantation shock of seedlings’ roots, therefore no mortality.
Pure bred seedlings, so that no varietal admixture.
Minimize planting time from 15-20 days and earliness of fruit harvesting.
Need based seedlings supply due to controlled environment of shed house.

Mulch Film
Advantageous use of Mulch Film
Mulching is an agricultural technique that involves covering the soil with special films to prevent contamination of the crops and the soil from atmospheric agents, which can dry the ground, deteriorate fruits, cool the earth and displace fertilizers, thus it is necessary for vegetative development. It also helps by preventing weed growth. Advantageous use of Mulch Films are as follows:
Prevents the evaporation of water from the soil, giving the crop a constant and regular feeding.
Avoid large fluctuations in soil temperature between day and night.
Helps plant roots multiply and develop laterally.
Makes the land more fertile and stimulates the absorption of nitrogen by the plant.
Prevents weed growth due to the opacity of films and the high temperatures under them.
Less risk of pests and diseases infestation & infection.
Prevents the fruit from being in contact with the ground. The fruit then has a more attractive appearance that makes it commercially advantageous.
Utility of growing media
Vegetables growing media is the alternative of soil mass for growing seedlings.
This media is composed of coco peat, organic fertilizer, and macro and micro nutrients elements and fungicides.
This media is free from any kinds of diseases organisms.
Disease free seedlings can grow up with plentiful food if this media is used for seedlings production.
Usefulness of Coco peat:
Coco peat is the fundamental 100% organic element for growing media made from coconut husk
It allows easy movement of air and water so that seedlings roots grow faster.
Seedlings have more roots than soil seedlings, so seedlings grow faster.
Coco peat is lighter than traditional soil medium.
Hydroponic plants can grow 50% faster in coco peat than in soil.
Importance of seedlings trays
Seedling trays are made up of foldable plastic material. There are cells (holes) throughout the trays. These cells should be filled with growing medium. The importance of seedling trays are as follows:
Success rate of germination is higher.
Easy management of intercultural operations and irrigation.
No transplantation shock of seedlings.
Easy and cost effective systems even in natural environment.
Easy to produce healthy and disease free seedlings.
This variety is resistant to bacterial and fungal wilting diseases.
The life span of this seedling is long. The yield of unit area is higher.